Cyber security while shopping on Cyber Monday Bargains abound on cyber Monday that make shopping very appealing to the masses. Browsing items in your cozy warm house, beats hitting the long lines of black Friday shopping. But buyer beware, cyber criminals are waiting to steal information from vulnerable devices and unprepared shoppers.
It used to be that criminals would target the XP machines and weaknesses on your network, but now they’re getting crafty at targeting the user. They’ve developed very deceptive advertising and elaborate email scams, all to trick the user into giving away their personal information.
Here are some tips to keep your bargains and your information.
Keep updating your passwords. If you change your passwords often you’re much less likely to have multiple accounts attacked.
Stay email savvy. If you’re not sure who sent it, or your instinct says its unusual, then just delete. Please don’t investigate strange emails.
Use your credit card and not your debit card for making purchases. This way if a thief does infiltrate your data and create havoc, you can dispute the charges with only your credit card company. You’ll still be able to use your regular banking account to pay bills and make purchases.